Manila, Philippines - Supreme Court (SC) of the Philippines announced the initial list of approved examinees for October 2013 Bar Examination.
SC issued the Bar Bulletin No. 6 in August 7 with the initial 853 qualified applicants, including 670 first-time takers, to take the bar examination given by SC at University of Sto. Tomas - Manila on four Sundays of October 2013 (Oct. 6, 13, 20 and 27).
Final list of approved bar examinees in October 2013 will be posted in this site once available.
Early this year, SC approved the extension of the examination hours in the upcoming bar examinations from three hours to four hours or from 2 pm to 6 pm. Having said, the high court adopted the recommendation of the Office of the Bar Confidant by persona of Atty. Ma. Cristina B. Layusa to align the afternoon exam to the morning exam duration (8 am to 12 pm).
SC also released Bulletin No. 5 contains guide and rules of conduct to the 2013 bar examinations which every bar examinee should read thoroughly as part of his/her preparation. There are some tips in answering bar examination questions: in general, essay questions and MCQs. Enlisted also are the guides before, during and after the actual bar examinations.
Here's the full content of the GUIDE AND RULES OF CONDUCT TO THE 2013 BAR EXAMINATIONS
Also, SC released the Bulletin No. 1 for 2013 Philippine Bar Examination which states the exam schedule, venue, coverage, format of exam and communication.
The schedule of subjects in October 2013 Bar Examination at University of Sto. Tomas - Manila are as follows:
- Day 1 (Oct. 6) - Political Law (morning) and Labor and Social Legislation (afternoon)
- Day 2 (Oct. 13) - Civil Law (morning) and Taxation (afternoon)
- Day 3 (Oct. 20) - Mercantile Law (morning) and Criminal Law (afternoon)
- Day 4 (Oct. 27) - Remedial Law (morning) and Legal Ethics and Practical Exercises (afternoon)
The Examination shall consist of 20% Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) and 80% Essay-type questions. The whole examination should be answerable by an average bar examinee within 3.5 hours (210 minutes) to allow him or her 30 minutes of review time.Subjects are given with the following graded weights:
- Political and International Law, 15%
- Labor and Social Legislation, 10%
- Legal Ethics and Practical Exercises, 5%
More details to be viewed here.
The Rules of Court provide that "a candidate may be deemed to have passed his examination successfully if he has obtained a general average of 75 percent."
It was already released in the Bar Bulletin No. 2 by Atty. Layusa that the syllabus for each subject of the 2013 bar examinations are available in the Supreme Court's official website (
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