Simple trick!
We are sure you tried to clean your kitchen sink several times before, but it just isn't the same as it was when you bought it. Today we are going to show you an efficient ways of cleaning your kitchen sink and getting rid of the germs by sanitizing it. Follow these simple steps (you won’t be using any chemicals) and your sink will look brand new again.
Things needed:
- liquid soap for dish-washing
- distilled wine vinegar
- baking soda
- rock salt
- lemon or lime
- toothbrush
- old rag
- a nylon
- soft sponge
Option 1:
- Wet the surface of your sink and cover it with a little baking soda.
- Make a paste out of it by brushing with the sponge and then rinse well.
- By using the toothbrush you can clean the caulk seal and all around the sink.
- Scrub well with baking soda.
- Rinse and then repeat the process.
- Soak some paper towels in vinegar and cover the entire sink with them.
- Let them sit for 20 minutes then throw away the paper towels.
- With a sponge dipped into water and soap, clean the surface of the sink, then rinse thoroughly.
Option 2:
- Put two cups of ice into the drain.
- Pour one cup of rock salt onto them.
- Turn on the cold water and let it pour onto this mix and turn on the garbage disposal.
- Just wait for the ice to disappear.
Option 3: You can also clean your sink by using a lemon or a lime.
- Cut the lemon or lime.
- Turn on the water and the garbage disposal.
- Add the lemon piece by piece to the garbage disposal. This will clean your drain nicely and will also give a pleasant smell to your kitchen.
Things To Remember:
- It is really important that you rinse out the sink every time after using it, as the salt in the food can also harm the stainless steel.
- Avoid using ammonia or bleach because they can do some serious damage to stainless steel.
Source: Useful Information
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